Biography A brief description of my life Coming soon. For now, some content that might say a lot about me. Snorkeling at Cozy Beach, Cape Town, South Africa. Where my mind is fifty percent of the time. Kalk Bay reef, Cape Town, South Africa. Photo: N Serpa. The other fifty percent. Noordhoek, Cape Town, South Africa. Photo: N Serpa. Fun small Kalk Bay. Kalk Bay reef, Cape Town, South Africa. Video: T Wells. I started surfing when I was 10, but the first photo just came five years later. Salinas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Photo: G Frainer (my brother, Gabriel). Surfing at home. Imbé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Me playing with my dog at home. Imbé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Still working on it. Imbé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Home ResearchGate Github Linkedin Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube © GFrainer.